I was trying to have a nice day until I stumbled upon a YouTube animator "LiteralHat" and again I felt my self confidence, self esteem, feeling of being worthy of making art completely eradicated again by someone who spews my mind better than I do. After destroying pieces of art I've worked on I pondered if destruction isn't in itself an art, therefore, the final art, suicide would be a master piece. But of course it all boiled down to my art being meaningless trash and the "style" or "genre" I'm going for is overdone. I tried other thingsm but I can't. And giving up on art is the same as giving up on life. The only difference is art is more valuable and precious. But I'm unworthy of both. I'll slowly destroy myself instead of continuing my plan to destroy other artists by overcoming their works. I have to aim for what I can reach, and that is self destruction. Slaughter of the soul, destruction of dreams.
Saw this animation it just inspired me to do the best because if they could achieve their goals, i can too.
It's all a matter of perspective
There's no inspiration in seeing a running horse gallop in front of yours. It's an obstacle, it's the competition being eleven steps ahead when I'm barely out of the starting line.