Women - hate to be objectified.
Also women - don't talk to me unless you buy a bundle of my nudes.
At least I'm honest, I don't wanna sound like "I'm not like the other girls" but jeez... If I go to a NSFW server and guys notice I'm a girl, I enjoy the time, the attention and I make sure the guys (or girls) enjoy too. If your whole power fantasy is being a "Queen" in a server where people only care about your ass, you're less than a woman. And shame on the guys who actually defend that type of bitches. Then they have the gull to Tweet how horny they are (translation: how much they need for rent) and post shit like "Sex work is work" eh, no. You're not a sex worker, you're an entitled manipulative bitch with issues and your therapy is draining the wallet of poor lonely men who can't get affection otherwise.
Besides, I met one claiming her KoFi money was because she's a good artist, and while she's not *bad* maybe it's got something to do with the dozen of lewd teases she posted on her discord... Maybe, it's a plausible possibility.
And lesbians who make their sexuality being their defining trait? Seriously, I prefer talking to trans women or femboys. Lesbians with that attitude usually had one bad experience with men and vent out all their frustration "dominating" (as in, not having a healthy relationship) with a younger, weaker girl. The cycle of abuse repeats once the "dominated" grows up and she's discarded, due to abandonment issues and her only experience being defined by someone who thinks what you do under the sheets is your whole life, they become the abusive dominant. Circle of life people! Elton John tried to warn us!
(And yes, I'm saying this as a 26 year old bi, cis woman who had enough of girls younger than my sister bossing me around like I'm some BDSM porn actress)
what a world we live in..