A woman's heart is a delicate instrument, so, if you're going to unfollow me have the decency to tell me why at least!
God, would anyone SLEEP WITH ME?!?
Co-Lead of Sad Girl
Amateur artist
The Discord is ".mazooe"
Professional Shy Girl
If I try to get away...
How long until I'm free?
And if I don't come back here...
Will you remember me?
I draw skinny, sad,
Joined on 3/8/24
It's always possible that somebody who followed you had their account deleted/deleted it themselves.
I see about... 7(?) "Hi, I'm new!"-posts per day; but I also see one or two "Eff everyone, I'm out of here!"-posts within the same time frame.
Yeah, I think of multiple scenarios and reasons, I understand but at least have the decency to say "hey, I'm out!" I just noticed the other day that a fan who used to obsess over me and my art deleted his NG and Discord account... Odd.