I’ve never seen someone write a suicide note with 8-days advance notice.
Co-Lead of Sad Girl
Amateur artist
The Discord is ".mazooe"
Professional Shy Girl
If I try to get away...
How long until I'm free?
And if I don't come back here...
Will you remember me?
I draw skinny, sad,
Joined on 3/8/24
I’ve never seen someone write a suicide note with 8-days advance notice.
And how many suicide notes have you read? There's a reason I'm living through that time before my death. I'm needed alive. Then I can do as I like.
Best of luck getting your library books back on time, then.
You know? If they actually were library books it would be cool if word of my death got out and people started saying the books/library are now cursed by my ghost
Okay, I will say in Your and mine language...
Mam nadzieję, że to się nie dzieje, proszę...
Bardzo mi ciebie żal, mimo iż nie wiem co się tak naprawdę stało, ale mnie to nie obchodzi...
Ale przynajmniej bądź silna, trzymaj się tam...
Dziękuję, przyjacielu. Niech Bóg będzie z Tobą, jesteś dobrym człowiekiem.
please, don't do it...
Ok retirement is ok but KILLING YOURSELF NOPE
No, it's the other way around. Retirement is living in shame. So, I'll spend my week at the hospital Drawing Sad Girls (at the hospital!)
Dawg NO, it's not worth of life by losing your own hope against with your own fears. My life was fucking somewhat fucked up since I had to go through family problems and suicidal shit since my mother went through hell. And I don't want that happen to you because killing yourself is a fucking indispensable shit that life will never go easy.
A lot of people call suicide a coward's way out. But they don't realize how bad they are until they lost someone you know like a friend or family member going through tough unsatisfied feelings that they have lost someone close or they are in that position themselves. People want to their because they feel like shit, but YOUR NOT, you are inspired by the world of entertainment, cherry, bright and upbeat meaning you are joyful to the world. Even though suicide can be scary, but suicide is nothing that exist in a simulation difference between unhappiness.
If this said I wrote understands your problem about killing yourself, then I hope you'll get some help and go easy going on it. And I hope you understand this makes you feel better.
Don't take this the wrong way but the spelling errors plus the Creepy Susie PFP made me giggle a bit... And maybe yeah, maybe I don't have to do this. But it would be my first time living by and for myself. It won't be easy.... I never liked easy stuff.
@Mazooe ok well i told Tom Fulp about your problem
I just read this, who the hell is Tom Fulp?
@AlexToolStudio what about Tom fulp?
@Mazooe @ben-doever yea people went through tough shit they serve traumatized situations and people who have PTSD back flash about what they went for example family suicide, family fighting, bullying another member who they know, favoritism and give someone the cold shoulder. I take favoritism seriously because ppl are just fucking childish about what the fuck they attentional like about someone's personality or opinion thoughts and looks.
People care about you because you are special, don't go in the bad side of the involvement, those shits are just dramatic irresistible and redoubtable. I hates those type of people if you understand or not it's okay. Fucking hell, going hard is like taking actions of blessing to the one or another can be really realistic and challenging. Like I don't care what the fuck people think they have in their stupid brainless evil world realistic mindsets, but this shit got me fucked up ever since.
Who's Tom fulp? And what about him?
@Mazooe Hospital? What do u mean? Currently drawing sad girls could something referencing one of my characters ngl
My lungs are severely fucked up. But once I'm out I'll have my own place to stay.
OH! THAT TOM! NG'S DADDY. Gee, that's like... hey might be busy, it's not like he should see my shit.
ooh that's a pity, and big lost!
This was posted two weeks ago, I had a lot to lose and gain in the meantime, whadda you mean doc?
never mind my friend
I always mind, mon ami. Never nevermind. But I'll make an exception just - 4 - u.
please don't do it
I value your worry but the only counter to death is life, and mine ended a while ago.